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Writer's pictureAnna O. Medina

Demystifying Digital Marketing

If one Googles ‘digital marketing’, a slew of topics are surely to come up. But where does one start? How do we begin to practice digital marketing? That is the truly the question.

I tried Google Universities offering Masters Degrees or Bachelor’s degree specializing in digital marketing.

So far, I have found many that offer certification programs including that from Asian Institute of Management of which I attended and the course offered at Hong Kong University for which my partner, Ria recently completed.

Are they worth it? Absolutely!

 Is it expensive? Without a doubt!

Will we use it? Definitely!

Do we really need it? A resounding- YES!

Why? Because the marketing landscape has drastically changed. Maybe even more so in the last two years during the pandemic than our pre-pandemic era. During the start of COVID-19, everyone, most especially marketing and sales practitioners were caught at a standstill. Suddenly, events were not allowed, flyers stopped printing, activation booths were not allowed in the malls, and promos ceased to be offered. As a brand, how do you reach your market? With digital marketing but of course! But how much of digital marketing do we really know about? It was a term first coined in the 90s, yet it is only three decades later where the term has become a byword. Everyone knows what it is, but most if not all are only now beginning to take time and truly study and implement it in their own business.

Hubspot  reported that 63% of business have increased their digital marketing budget. Should you? I’d say yes but take time to proceed with caution. It is best to start with the end in mind, to know what are your business goals and the expected outcome so one can truly appreciate the metrics presented to them from all their efforts. After all, the role of marketing is to move customers through a series of stages - from cold prospects to raving fans. But before you map out your customer journey, it is best to know who your customers are. Create a customer persona. Answer the question who is your business for and speaking to.

Creating a good customer avatar so to speak must include the following:

1. Your customers goals and values or what I like to call your CVP (customer values proposition) – determine what your customer persona is trying to achieve

2. Where do they search for information – what websites do they visit?

3. Determine demographics but look closely on the psychographics

4. Customer pain points – begin with searching for the missing piece, what makes things difficult for your target customer? why would they need you?

5. Customer resistance – Check as to why your customers should choose you over what they are currently doing, what they are currently spending on, and why they should choose you over you competition

Anna Medina together with her partner Ria Ancheta-Adrias are two self-proclaimed black sheep, that are on a quest to demystify digital marketing. Together, they have started For comments, suggestions, violent reactions or marriage proposals you may email

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